Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Inspiration for today...

This is an image I found on Pinterest today... enjoy


Monday Motivation

As always, Mondays are a tough battle. Waking up early is a killer. So I've decided to do a Monday Motivation...

Just don't forget to smile and appreciate the little things and you will be able to get through the day.

Happy Monday everyone.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Hout Bay

There are no words for the city that I call home…


Hey, I’m Tanya.

I’ve had the idea of this blog for a few years now and I’ve decided it’s time to do it. So many friends of mine have asked why this name, well I’ve been told I look Russian and this blog is from my point of view. Allure is the draw of one’s eye or attention through beauty. This blog is about all the beautiful things in this world… where news updates of wars and hatred is a daily given.

I am so tired of hearing people being mistreated and hurt for the way they look or they way they are. Do not get me wrong, for as long as we live this shall continue but to point out the good and the beautiful in this world it may make life a bit more pleasant.

We all may have different views on what is beautiful, but I hope that you agree with me on things I shall share with you. Whether it’s in fashion, daily life, nature or whatever, I would like to show you the world through my eyes…

I hope you all enjoy my blog and share an interest with me.
